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Bright Lights on an Uncommon Night: the April Stated Meeting

Friendship Masonic Lodge – Minus a Few Friends

With our Secretary and Junior Deacon each away on family vacations, our Senior Deacon and WB Lee (our Lodge Photographer and perpetual booster) kept away by their professional and domestic obligations; it would be easy to expect April 3rd to be a drab night. But Friendship 160 persevered despite these staple brothers being absent.

Greetings from Tucson! WB Schuman sent us this photo from his southern Arizona adventure

Light and brotherly love

The highlight of the night might shift, depending on who you asked.

It was a great pleasure to recieve WB Jim Hofbauer (Past Master of Central Arizona Lodge No. 14, and Historian of Kenton Lodge No. 145) as a visitor. His experience and commitment to the Masonic Fraternity are always as inspiring as his contributions to our conversations are enlightening. Likewise we had the pleasure of meeting WB Ezekial Ordaz (Klamath Lodge No. 77, F. & A.M. of California).

Surely Brother Goosen was pleased to pass his examination on the Entered Apprentice Degree with flying colors – entitling him to be passed to the Degree of Fellowcraft Mason once he presents his research on the EA Degree in May.

The Brethren in toto were joyful at the unanimous ballot cast for Mr. Keatinge. And certainly he is happy to know that on April 10th he will be initiated into the oldest and noblest fraternity on earth. Likewise, a long-awaited amendment to our bylaws passed unanimously.

And Brothers Miller-Conley and Vederman clearly relished the lengthy discussion on harmony the brethren had in the library (and then the sidewalk, and then the pub) after the meeting.

‘Till we meet again

Though a bit short handed we made our way through the night, and along the way found many bright moments together.

Though our absent brothers were missed,
and we look forward to their return soon, we made new connections and strengthened others.

And when Friendship Lodge convenes again, there will be a place at the table for everyone.

Worshipful Brother Chase

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