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Monthly Archives

April 2016

From the South

The Idea of Justice

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I recently watched an episode of George Gently, in which a young, junior detective told the best friend of the deceased, “I didn’t know Dolores, but I want justice for her”. Perhaps it was the skill of the actor or his writers, but that line has stuck with me in my meditations on the virtue of Justice this past few weeks. It seems to say it all. “Justice” rings out clear as a bell – but what does it mean to get justice? Read More

News from Bethel No. 4

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For the past several months, Bethel #4 has been very busy. We have participated in Initiations at other Bethels, Majority Ceremonies, Burgerville Fundraiser (thank you to the lodge members that came and supported us), Even a kidnap breakfast where the girls were picked up at their homes and had to go to breakfast in their pajamas, Grand Bethel Weekend as well as attending other Bethel meetings around the area. Read More

breaking rocks

The Wrecker

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By: Charles Benvegar

I saw them tearing a building down, a group of men
in a busy town.

With a hefty blow and a lusty yell, They swung with zest, and the sidewall fell.

I asked the foremen, “are these men skilled? The kind you would hire, if you had to build?”

He looked at me, and laughed, “no, indeed! Unskilled labor is all I need. Why, they can wreck in a day or two, What has taken builders years to do.”

I asked myself, as I went my way, which of these roles have I tried to play?

Am I a builder with rule and square, measuring and constructing with skill and care?

Or am I the wrecker, who runs the town, content with the business of tearing down?

From the South

From the South – April

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Spring seems to have sprung, and Friendship looks to have caught its stride. Our March Communication saw a fantastic turn out of Brothers (members and visitors alike) and we didn’t disappoint. Inspired by WB Arneson’s lecture on “The Art of Virtue”, a delightful party of Brothers stayed behind to enjoy refreshment and conversation into the night. Though liberated from the usual Masonic restrictions, temperance was on display in good form, undoubtedly bolstered by a measure of prudence. Read More