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From the West – July 2017

By July 1, 2017From the West

This past month has offered a wealth of Masonic education for me, but I have also been pulled in many directions; in meditating on how to proceed with MWB Art Borland’s order to rescind our recent bylaws change, to mentoring Bro EA Quinn, and most importantly, caring for my 9- weeks-old twins; I have found myself without much time to organize my thoughts. But I would like to share something our beloved Brother Junior Deacon wrote on our Facebook page in June:

“Brothers – Something MWBro [Rich Martin], Past GM of the GL of Oregon, told me the other night after Enlightenment’s stated, when he and WB Leo and I were chatting: ‘The most important man in a lodge is the most recent candidate.’

Having a mentor like Christopher Chase was incredibly important to my own progress through the degrees. It was also incredibly important to me that I got quality practice-time with Bros Walter Lee and Leo Schuman; not only when Chris wasn’t available, but whenever I just wanted the extra practice. Bros Jim and Brian T “tested” me during socializing time before/after Stated. Bros Rick, Bob and Michael regularly inquired into my progress, and offered worthwhile tips and encouragement.

Practice with all these brothers consisted not only in cypher-work. There were lessons, digressions, extraneous questions – it was enrichment, pure and simple, in surround-sound.

Imagine a room full of operative masons working on the next blocks meant for the grand building.

Each picks it up, sights the lines, spots roughness, adds a tap here and there, and
passes it on; the room, full of the dust and sound of work.

Thank you.

I will work hard to pay this forward forever, starting with Quinn and Patrick.”

Thank you for sharing, Brother Smith. Sharing your thoughts, your time, your energy and commitment; for by these gifts we are all enriched.

Sincerely and Fraternally,
Walter Lee

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