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From the South – January 2017

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First of all, happy New Year, brethren! I hope your holidays were filled with family, friends, and happy memories. I look forward to the work we have ahead of us in Friendship Lodge this year, and welcome the opportunity to learn and grow with you all.

As I stepped into the Junior Warden’s shoes for the first time at the installation, I felt much as I did almost exactly a year before in the Senior Deacon’s role for the first time. A little overwhelmed and feeling more than a little underprepared, to say the least. In the moment, I could only think about how I didn’t know the first thing about being a Junior Warden.

But looking back at my first time fulfilling the duties of the Senior Deacon, at how unsure and overwhelmed I felt at that time, I remember the wise words: “Anything worth being good at is worth being bad at, at first.”

As we’ve all heard many times, we begin in our “rude and imperfect state.” Our aim here is to refine and perfect our shortcomings, and this requires sometimes uncomfortable and difficult work. But the end product is worth the work, the embarrassment, the uncertainty; a smooth ashlar, a better fit for that “house not made with hands.”

Be well, and keep working,

Chris Chase, Junior Warden

News from the Bethel

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Greetings from the members and adults of Bethel #4. We have missed the deadline for the past few Trestleboards… but we want you to know we are alive and happy!

We have been very busy the past few months with various meetings and activities. The girls have been visiting as many bethels as they can and have been participating in initiations and other activities at those bethels as needed. Read More

Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons

By | From the East | No Comments

“To everything there is a season,” according to a famous passage of scripture, “and a time to every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:3)

A new season arrives this month. Both with changing weather, and with changing leadership in our lodge. Chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes contains other observations, which might apply to our lodge…. Read More


Wisdom and Regeneration

By | From the West | No Comments

“The bee and the hive have long been symbols of industry and regeneration, wisdom and obedience, with a place in Egyptian, Roman and Christian symbolism.”

The beehive is an appropriate symbol for the renewing direction of Friendship Masonic Lodge #160, Ancient Free & Accepted Masons. Through the ongoing cooperative work of our active members, older and newer, and the strong commitment to renewal undertaken by our newly elected Master and Wardens, we will exemplify over the next three years the steady, industrious regeneration symbolized by the beehive. Read More

Jewel of Friendship

The Jewel of Friendship

By | From the South | No Comments

My studies this past month lead me to a short paper, written by Worshipful Brother Alphonse Cerza, Grand Historian of the Grand Lodge of Illinois A.F. & A.M. titled, “Our Most Valuable Asset: Friendship”. It would be a bit lengthy to present to you here, but I assure you it is a swift, uplifting and informative read, and I will be certain to provide a route to it through our internet platforms; but I would like to share an excerpt with you here:
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From the South

The Virtue of Humility

By | From the South | No Comments

Greetings from the South, Brethren;

Approaching November, our elections obviously come to mind. I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but based on tradition I have my suspicions as to whom might ascend to the West next year. Consequently I have found myself contemplating the Level, and with it the virtue of humility. Read More

Kent Smith Becomes a Master Mason

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Friday nights are usually not the lodge’s meeting night, but the lodge made an exception this time to accommodate a special event: The raising of Brother Kent Smith to the sublime degree of Master Mason.

The evening wasn’t just about raising a brother; it was also about creating a family legacy where the fourth and final brother of the Smith family finally became a member of the fraternity. To mark this auspicious event, WB Alan Smith and Brother Daniel Smith — both from George W. Lininger Lodge No. 268 in Omaha, Nebraska — were in attendance. WB Alan also played an important role in the degree, practicing extensively to make sure that his part conformed to Oregon ritual requirements.

Brother Kent Smith follows Brother Daniel Smith in joining the Craft. The first of the Smith brothers who was initiated was WB Alan Smith, then followed by WB Stephen Smith.






From the East - May

Kindle Charitable Donation

By | From the East | No Comments

A charitable donation was made, this month, by our lodge. We donated 13 Kindle Paperwhite e-readers to a third grade class at Harrison Park School, in southeast Portland. Also, we donated appropriate accessories.

Support for public education is a longstanding Masonic tradition. Unfortunately, our public schools are under considerable financial stress. Some schools could benefit from donations of educational equipment. Read More

Friendship Altar

Is Masonry a Ritual or a Practice?

By | From the West | No Comments

We hear it said that the purpose of Masonry is to “make Masons.” But, how exactly do we do that? My personal experience as a brother of “Friendship Masonic Lodge #160, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons” has been unusual in some respects. Like 5 of my brothers, I was raised in the “united” Friendship 160, during the period when we were consolidated with Kenton 145. Yet, the first time I ever spoke in open Lodge, other than during my degrees and proficiency testing, was to offer prayer as Chaplain the night our Lodge was divided by the Grand Master back into its predecessors. The lines of our closing prayer – “[n]ow that we are about to separate …” – have never rung so strongly for me as they did that night. Read More