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The “Why That?” Uniform

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Enough people have asked me and my brothers about each part of our uniform, that I thought I’d go ahead and put it down here in case we get asked again. Of the many traditions Friendship Lodge maintains, one of my favorites is the Worshipful Master providing the uniform for his officers. I enjoy the sense of unity and camaraderie it inspires, while helping to set the tone for that year for all the brothers of the Lodge. Not to mention you’ll probably never find a Mason saying, “no thank you, I’ve already got enough lapel pins”. The fraternity’s fascination with them is one of the eternal mysteries of Freemasonry. Read More

Ring In the New Year with Friendship!

By | From the East | No Comments

Friends and Brethren all! Ring in the new year with Friendship next Wednesday! We will be enjoying more of Bro. Eric Pease’s expert cookery with a menu of Swedish meatballs, fingerling potatoes and wilted greens. Our lecture for the evening will be delivered by none other than Bro. Kent Smith, who will be presenting his original research on the shifting meaning of “libertine”, and just what its implications should mean for the contemplative Mason.

This lecture will be part of our closed meeting, but both the supper and hours of refreshment and fellowship following the meeting are open. Feel free to stop on by and meet a Mason (or twelve).

Warmest Greetings from the East, Brethren!

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When Friendship last met to celebrate the Feast of St. John the Evangelist I was struck by the notion that in a few short hours I would officially take on the mantle of Worshipful Master. Several times since the morning of the 28th I’ve had occasion to call a Brother or two and have always noticed their joyful use of my new title, Worshipful Brother. It’s a trip to make such an abrupt transition, but it is a challenge and an opportunity to serve which I treasure and look forward to, and I thank you all for your support. Every Master before me has given his successor a better set of cards than he himself was dealt, and WB Schuman continued that trend. Read More

we are brothers

Happy New Year from The West!

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Happy New Year, brethren! I hope your holidays have been pleasant, and filled with family and fun.

I look back on 2017 and my time as Junior Warden, and I am filled with pride for the things that we have accomplished. To echo the words of Worshipful Brother Lee at the installation, Friendship Masonic Lodge #160 knows what it wants to do, and we are getting better at it every year. We are working on bigger and better charitable work and involvement in our community, greater education and discussion at our gatherings, and fellowship befitting our name. Read More

Masonic Family Style Dinner

Feast and Fellowship in January!

By | From the South | No Comments

The southerly winds are wont to blow warm, and that holds true for January as well as July! This month, our stated meeting will be Wednesday, January 3rd, at the usual location. Brother Pease (Kenton 145) is preparing yet another wonderful meal – this time it will be built around Swedish meatballs. Dinner hour gets going right around 6, and ends just before meeting time at 7. January’s education will involve the reading of a short essay by yours truly, on the subject of Libertines and Masonry. Read More


From the East – August 2017

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Brothers, as those who’ve been closely involved over the past two years already know, our Immediate Past Master, WB Bob Casey, led us last year to approve a new bylaw barring exclusion of candidates or expulsion of members, on the basis of their sexual orientation. MWB Art Borland, IPGM, approved this bylaw in January of this year. Then, he reversed himself in May of this year, and ordered us to present a resolution to rescind this bylaw he previously approved. Various reasons for this reversal have been offered by various members of the Grand Lodge, and its Jurisprudence Committee. Read More


From the West – August 2017

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As we approach our coming Fellowcraft degrees this summer I find myself musing on some recurring lessons in our degrees. Most especially of finding balance in all things. The point within a circle admonishes us that our duties will require touching upon both the extremes of left and right, summer and winter, John the Baptist and John the Evangelist; as well as the ideal, middle path of the Volume of Sacred Law. How hard it can be to do just that thing, weigh all sides equally, know the ideal, and still pursue what we think best. A nautical rhyme comes to mind, meant to admonish the sailor to be prudent whenever at sea and in dispute over right of way:

“Here lies the body of Michael O’Day Who died defending his right of way.
He was right, dead right, as he sailed along But just as dead as if he’d been wrong.”

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SecreTary's Desk

Secretary’s Corner – August 2017

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Quinn Allen Haase passed his EA proficiency and did a wonderful job, he just experienced the birth of his first baby. Congratulations Quinn.

We still have several brothers that have not paid dues, we will be putting you on written notice in October as final notice at the November Stated Meeting if dues are not paid we will then place you on NPD Status, and your cumulative time as a Mason will stop until dues are paid up. Read More

4th of July Barbecue

From the East – July 2017

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Brothers, we continue to grow! On June 21st, Patrick Reilly was brought to light as an Entered Apprentice Mason. And, we anticipate evaluating the proficiency of EA Quinn Haase at our July Stated Communication, with hope for a FC Degree on the Third Wednesday of July. We welcome all our Brothers to assist in the work of our Lodge. Should you require any help coming to Lodge for a Stated Meeting or Degree, please call our Secretary Jim Loennig at (541) 499-2953, and your Brothers will help coordinate transportation for you. Read More