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February Stated

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Another fantastic month for Friendship. The evening started with a lovely dinner from Pastini provided by our wonderful Junior Warden Kyle. We moved into the Lodge room where we had a short but action packed meeting with a few important votes related to our new year, and the budget for our on-going project to update our Clubhouse space.

It’s been a while since we were blessed to have the Temple and the Clubhouse this packed, because had a delightful number of guests! Almost the entire Officer’s line of Beaverton Masonic Lodge joined us to thank us for a donation we gave them related to some vandalism they encountered the previous month, and we had Brother Chris from the Scottish Rite come to thank us for a donation we made to them related to a Kitchen remodel they are doing.

Our First Entered Apprentice of 2025

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Last night we had the pleasure of initiating our first new member of 2025! We were all very excited to welcome Matias to our Order, as he was to join. It was a great evening with some wonderful Degree work by Past Master’s Chris and Walter, as well as Brother Kyle’s first time being Senior Deacon for a degree. Afterwards, we enjoyed Pizza as is tradition, and some lively Masonic discussion in our Clubhouse downstairs. We were also blessed to welcome two guests from Gateway Lodge who traveled from Astoria to watch our degree.

January Stated

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Happy January everybody! We have had our first business meeting of the year, and already we’re off to a great start. We started with a delicious dinner from Pollo Bravo, provided by our Junior Warden. For business, the Lodge scheduled Matias’s EA Degree for later this month, and voted to accept the Petition of our long-term prospect Steven. The Worshipful Master ended the meeting by reading Five Masonic Thoughts by Brother William A. Carpenter, a Short Talk Bulletin. We retired to our Clubhouse downstairs, where we had a lively conversation about what makes someone virtuous. All in all, a wonderful kick-off to the year!

2024 Year End Dinner at Fogo de Chao

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We enjoyed our traditional year-end dinner at Fogo de Chao tonight to great effect! As always the food was tremendous and we had a wonderful time sharing Fellowship with each other. Sadly, our Worshipful Master and a few others couldn’t join us do to the flu, and they were missed. Here’s to a wonderful 2024, and hopefully next year will be just as great!

2025 Installation

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We have installed our Officers for the Masonic Year 2025!

A special shout-out to the Brethren of Mizpah Lodge #302 of Omaha, Nebraska who traveled over 1,400 miles to visit us at our Installation. Our incoming Master, Kevin Miller-Conley, lived in Omaha for a few years and was adopted by the Brethren of Mizpah who became close friends. They were excited to learn that when 5 masons visit a lodge in Oregon it’s customary to “steal” a gavel. Friendship had a special set of two matching gavels made from the same Oregon Myrtlewood Tree to celebrate the event, and represent the eternal bond of Fraternity.

Shout-outs as well to Right Worshipful Adam Bayer who was our Installing Master, Worshipful Jim Lamb who stepped in last second to be our Installing Marshal, and Worshipful Greg Carlson of Mizpah #302 and Milton #96 who was our Installing Chaplain. As well as all the Brothers who worked to make our Installation a success!

December Stated

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It seems like 2024 only just started, and here we are having our last Stated meeting. It was a great end to the year with us discussing how to spend our remaining Charity budget, we positively balloted on soon-to-be-Brother Matias’s candidacy, and we discussed moving the January Stated to the 8th, since the 1st is a holiday. It was a great night, followed by some great fellowship!

November Stated Meeting

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Last night we had a very busy meeting between the presentation of two lifetime memberships, a visit from our District Deputy, holding elections, and as well we voted for our Budget for the year 2025.  The budget passed after some brief discussion, as well as a motion detailing how we’ll be spending some money fixing up our Clubhouse space in the Kenton Masonic Temple.

As well, Friendship has elected the following Brothers to leadership for the year 2025:
WM: Kevin Miller-Conley
SW: Hunter Bronson
JW: Kyle Diesner
Secretary: Jim Loennig
Treasurer: Patrick Reilly
Investment Committee: Walter Lee
Investment Committee (Kevin’s remaining 1 year term): Hunter Bronson

Matt’s Fellowcraft

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Another wonderful night of Degree work at Friendship. We’re now out of EAs, after Matt passed to the degree of Fellowcraft. There was a little scramble for which chairs to sit in, but Kevin opened the Lodge again with everyone shifted up a chair, and then Walter conferred with Chris giving his amazing lecture. We were graced with the presence of three Brothers from Beaverton as well! We ended the night in the Clubhouse, enjoying Pizza and fellowship, as is tradition.

Double Fellowship!

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Given that October is a wonderful 5 Wednesday month, we had a second round of Fellowship in a row! Hunter’s new candy machine made its debut, and Walter brought his boys by to sell us some pies for their field trip. When looking for a board game, we came across our ancient Ouija board, perfect for the Halloween Season!