The Gavel is one of the chief working tools of every Freemason
Furthermore it is the clearest emblem of authority in conducting a meeting. Therefore the game of taking a Lodge’s gavel serves to encourage a sporting, classical competition and exploit an individual Mason’s sense of Lodge pride to encourage extensive travel and exchange between Lodges.

Some of the gavels taken by and from Friendship Masonic Lodge
No one really knows how it began, but the custom of seizing a gavel is one of those uniquely playful games Brothers play, without which Freemasonry might well seem incomplete.
The rules are simple:
- Any Masonic Lodge, when visiting another Lodge, is entitled to take a gavel from their host if they have five or more Brothers in their party.
- It is proper courtesy to inform the Worshipful Master of the host Lodge of your intent before the meeting.
- The Worshipful Master of the host Lodge chooses which gavel to give.
- It is customary to return the visitor’s gavel If the host Lodge had previously seized the visiting Lodge’s gavel.
- The spirit of the game is innately playful, and encourages members to reach out and create new relationships within the Masonic Brotherhood.
“Traveling” as we call it is one of the most precious privileges of a Master Mason.
By visiting other Lodges we not only come to know more Brothers, but can glean insights from how they perform their work, and bring that light back to their Mother Lodge just as they incorporate it into their individual Masonic journey.
So now you have what you need. Travel well and often, Brethren!