Calling all adventurers! It’s time for another night of brotherhood and board games at Friendship Lodge. While Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate has been a lodge favorite for some time, we always decide which games to play at the start of the night, and it’s anybody’s guess what we will pick. So bring some of your own board or card games and enjoy a night of fellowship and fun with Friendship #160. Everyone is encouraged to bring beverages and snacks to share, and some light food, like sandwiches and chips or pizza, will be provided. Everyone is welcome!

Friendship abounds in March! I am ready to make that claim after the wonderful showing of fraternity and brotherly love at our Stated Meeting last Wednesday. We saw a tremendous crowd, with Brothers both familiar and new visiting from several Lodges to enjoy the warmth and fellowship of Friendship Lodge. Read More

Following surprisingly wintry weather in February, our first philosophy discussion night of 2018 will be on Wednesday, March 21 at 7:00pm at the Kenton Temple. We will be watching and discussing Prof. Daniel N. Robinson’s lecture, “Moral Science and the Natural World”, in the context of our willfully obligating ourselves as Masons.
Wine, fellowship, light – what a night this promises to be! Read More

February is the best time of year for Masons to travel! Friendship Lodge started the month off with a visit to Beaverton Lodge to retrieve a gavel they claimed from us last year. WB Don Martin (the Master of Beaverton) graciously offered WB Lee of Friendship the opportunity to close his Lodge. Not one week later however, did Kenton 145 travel en masse to Friendship – stealing away our hard-won gavel again! It seems we needn’t put away our road gear just yet. In addition to their delightful company, Kenton presented Friendship with an artifact from our past – a cigar ashtray commemorating the cornerstone laying of an addition to our former building. Read More

This past Wednesday Friendship had the privilege of hosting several Brothers from Research Lodge, most notably WB Joseph Lambert, who we would learn was indispensable in the effort to guide the Grand Lodge of Oregon to recognize Prince Hall Masonry. This legacy was the central theme of our education for the evening. WB Daniel Gray elucidated on this history with his talk, “The Innovators”. Read More

The Masonic Lodge experience is so intellectually stimulating. So rich with art and profound meaning in its ritual, and delightful in the opportunity for life-long friendship; that it’s easy to forget that what Masons do out of Lodge is more to the point of what defines us. Correspondingly, there are a few details from January that might have been easy to overlook. Read More