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Monthly Archives

July 2024

Mario Party!

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We met on another warm day in the Clubhouse for fellowship, and we took advantage of the new Switch! The turn out was really solid for a summer off week, with eight of us enjoying some Fellowship. We ordered in some pizza, enjoyed some dinner together and whisked away to the back room for some classic Nintendo shenanigans. We had a great time until one of the controllers died 30 mins into the game. Hunter was in the lead, but we’ll have to determine the true champion next week!

Fellowship and Heat

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Portland is just coming out of a heatwave! Since last week, we’ve had very warm weather with Sun-Tuesday all hitting over 100. It was 93 or so on Wednesday, and the Clubhouse was a little warm. That didn’t stop us from cranking up the fan, and spending some quality time together though!

Liberty and Hamburgers

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Keeping up with a yearly Friendship tradition, we met at Kent’s house yesterday for Liberty and Hamburgers to celebrate America’s Birthday. There was a good spread with burgers, brats, and all the fixins. Chris and Hunter went undefeated in 5 rounds of Cornhole, putting everyone to shame. Partway through, our Senior Warden presented Worshipful Master Patrick with a Olive Wood Gavel from Greece to celebrate his year in the east. On the handle, we had an inscription carved in Greek saying, “I can’t say I deserve better” which is a famous quote from our WM. All in all a fantastic day for Fellowship.

Minigolf and games at Bullwinkles!

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This year we decided to try something a little different. We went dark for the summer as usual, but we chose, instead, to go on some summer outings in place of our business meetings. For this first one, we went to Bullwinkles in Wilsonville! We had some fun in the arcade while we waited for everyone to arrive, and then we played 18 holes of minigolf. Afterwards, some of us split off for some late night grub. Everyone had a wonderful time, and we all agreed we should do it again next year!