We met this week to discuss the next Month of our Masonic Planning. We’re getting ready for our District Deputy’s visit next Month, and Grand Lodge the month after! We’re also applying to walk in the St Johns parade and hoping to host a BBQ in May. Lots of fun things to come!
Congratulations to Matt, our newest EA and our second initiate in 2024! It was a wonderful evening in Milwaukie with a lot of fun and interesting twists and turns. Because of Matt’s previous familiarity with our Lodge and with Prince Hall Masonry, we surprised him by taking him to a completely different lodge building! Speaking of which, a HUGE thanks to Milwaukie lodge for loaning us their beautiful building for the evening. A hearty thanks as well to Past Masters Chris, Kent, and Walter for their contributions to the degree.
This month we had a spirited Stated meeting as usual, with the high point being that we voted to make Matt our newest Entered Apprentice! We plan to hold his degree later this month. Other than that, we gave updates on our charity efforts, as well as our efforts to work on our clubhouse space, and our first meeting of the WM’s book club!