There was a lot of excitement heading into our first seasonal festive board of the year –
– and expectations were certainly exceeded

Put the Horse Before the Cart?
a Novel Arrangement
One of the key aspects of this unique evening was inverting the regular order of events: holding the lodge business meeting before the meal, liberating us to enjoy a more drawn out, languorous evening of feasting and conversation.
The Worshipful Master planned a restriction of only 45 minutes to open and close Lodge, conduct all necessary business, and pack up to join our guests in the dining hall. Even still quite a bit of business was done. After opening the Lodge on the Master Mason Degree WB Smith guided us through all the regular business, with some novel additions.
Near the end of the meeting, WB Schuman addressed this lodge of Master Masons. With a notable touch of emotion he talked about his seven years in Friendship. The path he forged from being an Entered Apprentice to Master Mason, and ultimately Worshipful Master of this lodge. His thesis turned out to be an admonition, a reminder really, of one small lesson in the Master Mason Degree – that we are taught the proper use of all the tools of Masonry, but still yet you are not a Master Mason, and that no one “knows if you will ever become one”. In parting with the physical Friendship Masonic Lodge, WB Schuman imparted one final great lesson. A lesson that will no doubt be reviewed innumerable times in our own individual quests to better ourselves.
Work Hard, Play Hard

After closing the meeting we rejoined our friends and family in the dining hall for hours of dining, libations, and (I’m told – I had to leave early) cigars.
Many brothers brought their partners – Brother Miller-Conley and Vederman were there with their wife and husband, respectively. We also enjoyed hosting our Secretary’s long-time friend Toni and Ms. Jodi Tibbetts, a beloved widow of Friendship Masonic Lodge and timeless supporter of Bethel No. 4 here in Portland.
The meal was FABULOUS! A three course Mediterranean affair accompanied by three perfectly paired wines presented by 45th Parallel Wines’ owner, and finished off with our Worshipful Master’s own family recipe cheesecake.
I apologize, but it was just too good to pause to take a “before” photo.

Fabulous presentations and conversations came alongside this meal. In celebration of the impending Spring Equinox there was some commentary on relationships that can be drawn between Freemasonry’s favorite science, geometry, and astrology. Additionally, Bro. Vederman held court over a small group of Brothers to discuss the cultural history of chaos magic, and how it might overlap with other methods for challenging oneself to play devil’s advocate.
The Spring Festive Board was a stellar success, and we all look forward to coming together again and again, and especially for the remaining seasonal feasts for June, September, and December. And we all look forward to the warmth of brotherhood when and wherever we may find it.
Last and First Chances
Though brief, the official business meeting of Friendship Masonic Lodge was the last (for now) for two of our brothers. WB Schuman and our Bro. JW Vederman will each be moving away at the end of this month. WB Schuman will return home to Montana after having lived most of his life away, and Bro. Vederman will be moving to Delaware with his husband, to pursue a new chapter of life with their parents and extended families.
But one of the many agenda items was the ballot for affiliation on Brother Hunter Bronson (Sitting Junior Warden of Beaverton Lodge No. 100) – which was unanimously in favor. So as the gavel of Friendship fell for (maybe) the last time for some, it fell for the first time for one.

The assembled Brethren, with our Worshipful Master (center) flanked by Bros. Schuman and Bronson