Since being chartered in 1914, Friendship Masonic Lodge has met on the first Wednesday of the month.
Of course we’ve rescheduled for all sorts of reasons and occasions, but that the first Stated Meeting of the year would fall on the very first day of the year! So Worshipful Brother Kent Smith took advantage of this unique opportunity to begin the year by holding a daylight lodge and brunch celebration.

Our new Worshipful Master ran a crisp meeting with a fair bit of business for the new year. Despite holding the first meeting on an odd day, every officer performed their ritual work with aplomb as though nothing was out of sort. Once open, standard stock stuff like the necessary business of formally declaring needed changes to our banking arrangements, hearing the Treasurer’s report, and approving the minutes from our December meetings all went smoothly.
There were some genuinely heartwarming moments in the meeting,
From first gavel to last, the meeting passed in a surprising 45 minutes! WB Smith kept his pledge of opening, doing business, and closing the Lodge in time for our scheduled Public Brunch in the dining hall upstairs.

Brother Vederman introduced himself and we went around the room introducing visitors, friends, and family before getting in line for the buffet.
Brother Eric Pease once again brought his full might to bear. Preparing a host of breakfast staples, sourdough baguette french toast, and his signature red flannel hash; with vegan protein alternatives to boot!
During the meal, several of the officers presented reports, each capturing a facet of the work we’re planning for 2020.
Our Brother Senior Warden Jaimes spoke to the the Lodge’s designs for continuing the growth of our officers’ ritual profficiency, and Brother Vederman addressed the fellowship calendar for the year.

Replete with four more festive boards, and a Table Lodge in the works, our Junior Warden and Senior Deacon have the common goal of encouraging the fellowship we so often see during and after our meetings, but often loose out on during the pre-meeting supper. “It’s an experiment of sorts, let’s work together and see how it works”. Given the mingling of members, guests and visitors we saw on Saturday I think our Bro. JW has hit on a capital idea.

Our new Worshipful Master closed these briefings/Q&A’s with some comments on this year’s theme: Relationships, Excellence, and Service. Shortly afterward, WB Smith took a moment to make a public announcement of two members’ lifetime memberships.
As per Friendship Masonic Lodge custom, WB Chase was gifted a lifetime membership by the lodge. Less commonplace was Bro. Russ Peterson self electing to purchase a life membership. Bro. Peterson’s paperwork was in process during 2019, and joyfully, was completed in time for this dual announcement.
Shortly after the end of these presentations, WBros. Casey and Leonnig made their exit, to go for an impromptu visit to RWB Rob Hopkins – who had recently been moved to hospice care. Some of the brothers left with their wives and children to enjoy the remainder of the weekend, but a cadre of brethren remained behind. To continue the conversation, enjoy the warmth of fellowship this fabulous group offers, and to answer to Bro. Pease’s demands that we all eat more 😉
It was an uncommon January Stated, that lead to an uncommonly brilliant Saturday for Friendship Masonic Lodge.

A Bittersweet Postscript *
Later, on Saturday afternoon, the Worshipful Master was informed by RWB Hopkins’ daughter that he had passed away in the early afternoon hours, sometime after being visited by brothers from Friendship Lodge. WB Smith swiftly transmitted the news to the brethren through our internal channels.
Later that evening the Worshipful Master, officers, and several brothers most friendly with our late brother gathered to toast his memory and legacy.
A masonic observance of his passing is planned for the near future.
*Edited on Monday, January 13, 2020 to include commentary about the passing of RWB Hopkins