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Bolivar, Roosters, and Shepherdless Pie: the March Stated Meeting

The Worshipful Master promptly wrapped the gavel to open lodge at 7:30. We were treated to a rich and efficient meeting. Some key highlights being:

Good men, good company, good meal

Brother Pease helped us kick off the night with an exemplary March menu of shepherd’s pie, complete with a 15th century peas porridge (evidently inspired by relentless teasing as a child) and his classic home-made dinner rolls. Aware of the dietary restrictions of some members and guests, Brother Pease also prepared an alternative “Shepherdless Pie” which the Brethren (even those who aren’t vegan) couldn’t bear to leave any leftovers from. And only the best-informed managed to save room for the decadent apple crisp Brother Pease and his partner, Holly had crafted for our dessert.

In the presence of royalty

Our Worshipful Master was deeply involved in supporting our local DeMolay chapter (a Masonic-oriented male youth group) in Oregon before ever even being initiated into the Masonic Fraternity. So he was delighted that we were joined for our meal by the women of Bethel No. 4, our partnered youth group. A particular treat was that our own Christanee Tibbal is the 2019 Grand Bethel Honored Queen (essentially the Grand Master of Job’s Daughters in Oregon). Worshipful Brother Chase was certain to take the time to talk with Ms. Tibbal about the experience of chief leadership, give and receive advice, and congratulate her on a job very well done during her tenure.

We also had the pleasure of being host to a contingent from Columbia Lodge No. 114, headed up by their Worshipful Master, Damon VanBeek, accompanied by WB Charlie Adams (PM), Joshua Childs (JD), and Brother Isaac Pea. Before the meeting they explained that they had a fifth member, who had signed in, but had to leave – making an overt gag at the last time Friendhip visited Columbia in force to steal a gavel.

La luz de la Masonería

Once the meeting began, the Worshipful Master made his way through a rich agenda without haste or waste. Early on we learned about the activities of the charity committee in February. With harsher than usual weather moving through the Willamette Valley, the decision was made to go beyond our anual homeless relief kits to immediately donate 90 tarps and 240 pairs of wool socks to Operation Nightwatch. We also learned that the donations we collected for Table Mountain Lodge in Paradise, California had been received and were being put to good use.

Our regular education came from our Junior Warden, Brother Jimmie Jaimes, who has developed a series of lectures on Craft Masonry in Latin America.

This inital lecture was a broad overview of the issues and events which lead to the establishment of Freemasonry throughout Central and South America. The “irregularities” which seem to have plagued it since inception, and how this translates to today.

Of striking interest was a curious overlap in the Masonic and revolutionary histories of the United States and Latin America. How the politics of the day were intertwined in the development of the earliest Lodges. Men such as Simón Bolívar, Antonio López de Santa Anna, and Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla played sinificant roles in the establishemnt of Craft Masonry while also fighting for independence from Spain. Quite similar to the role the principles of Freemasonry played in influencing the founders of the US.

A place for everything and everything in its place.

While the work of being a mason is indeed serious business, every meeting is enriched with a pinch of levity.

So we were very happy to see Brother Kevin Miller-Conley recieve his rooster pin, for successfully completing the “Kretchmer Challenge” at an official “Chickenlodge” gathering. These are pure fellowship events where we meet at a favorite local pub and enjoy each others’ company over good beer and fried chicken. They don’t happen too regularly, but there’s always a few each year, and when they do happen it’s a hoot and a half.

The “Kretchmer Challenge” has evolved out of affection for our ex-patriated Brother Tim Kretchmer, who’s work relocated him to Belgium shortly after becoming a Master Mason. He first selected the rooster pin as a badge of having participated in these soirées. And since his favorite thing to eat at these gatherings was the best chicken and waffle Portland has to offer it happened to become something of a tradition.

How all good things should end

In the final moments of the meeting, Worshipful Brother VanBeek addressed the assembled brethren. He expressed his excitement for the renewed partnership between our two Lodges, noting that Columbia and Friendship have a very long history with each other.

Unknown to some was that WB VanBeek had been initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason at Friendship’s former building, and subsequently made a Master Mason at our curent home.

The two Worshipful Masters shook hands and hugged as WB Chase presented WB VanBeek with the 2019 Friendship Masonic Lodge officer’s pin while quoting Cicero,

“may the memory of our friendship be everlasting”.

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