Hot on the heels of his lecture on the Entered Apprentice Degree, Brother Gustavo Ramirez was beyond qualified for being passed to the degree of Fellowcraft Mason.
At the January Stated Meeting, Bro. Ramirez (who’d already earned himself the nickname “Brother Love”) presented his original work – research into and exposition on the northeast corner, and it’s significance to the Craft and himself. Having already been found proficient in his knowledge of the Entered Apprentice Degree, Brother Love was absolutely ready to be passed.

The altar was set, the officers ready, and Brother Gustavo Ramirez was duly and truly proficient. So it was that Friendship Masonic Lodge closed out January by conferring the Fellowcraft Degree upon him on the 30th.
Thoroughly impressed with the degree of scholarship and investigation in Bro. Gustavo’s lecture on the Entered Apprentice Degree, following his examination on that degree, the Worshipful Master and brethren were delighted to see Gustavo advance.
In addition to the usual suspects (Worshipful Brothers Chase, Lee, and Schuman) performing their regular work (the staircase lecture, the G lecture, and the charge; respectively) this Fellowcraft Degree featured some great achievements for many of the officers:
- The Worshipful Master conferred the first degree of his term.
- Bro. Quinn Haase learned yet another role in yet another degree, and performed it with aplomb.
- Bro. Miller-Conley performed in a degree for the first time in his career in Friendship Masonic Lodge.

After closing lodge the brethren moved up to the dining hall for refreshments and libations. And once every plate and glass was full our Junior and Senior Wardens rang us to attention, to begin our tradition of saluting the now-passed brother.
As is the tradition, the brother who’d received the degree was first to speak – but this time Bro. Gustavo was a bit overwhelmed, and could only comment on how taxing it was to be so enthralled with every word and movement from the degree – that and his gratitude for this experience.

As the evening wore on, we were delighted that every brother present shared deeply during the evening – not only of their joy for Bro. Gustavo, but also offering their own insights into the many lessons of the Fellowcraft degree.
Come a point the pizza and pop were swapped forcocktails and cigars. As we continued to enjoy this moment well into the night, each brother being sure to give a hug to Brother Love before heading home.