Grandmasters, Dungeons, Dragons, and Pomanders; oh my!
The Big-ticket agenda items for a Masonic Lodge are pretty obvious each month – a Stated Meeting, a Degree (both of which you can read about here and here), a Special Education Topics night (see the Stated), a few nights of fellowship, add a dash of Officers Meeting(s), committe and charity work and you’ve more or less got it. But December is special – neverminding the fact that it’s December in our regular lives, too – but Masonically, it’s when our elected officers are officially installed, and the peaceful transition of power between one Master’s tenure and his successor’s begins.
Past Grand Master Honors Friendship Lodge

The 105th Installation of Friendship Masonic Lodge Officers was held on December 16th. We were privileged to have MWB Richard Martin, Past Grand Master of Masons in Oregon (2011 – 2012) leading the ceremony as the Installing Master.
MWB Martin was assisted by WBros. Desano and Palileo of Tigard-Orenoma and Kenton Lodges, respectively – who took turns as the Installing Marshal.

The trio performed their roles with aplomb, swearing-in Friendship Masonic Lodge’s 2019 officer corps with all the precision of a Marine Color Guard.
All told, all but two of our officers were installed. The two outliers were brothers Smith and Peterson (Senior Warden and Senior Deacon, respectively), who were absent attending to family business.
Once the installation ceremonies were complete, we retired to the dining hall for something to eat and a good deal of fellowship and refreshment to close out the night.
Many, many toasts were made: to Friendship Lodge, to the fraternity, to brotherhood, and to the outgoing and incoming Worshipful Masters.
a Dream Fulfilled: Masons-Only D&D Game
Since Friendship Masonic Lodge first started hosting game nights back in 2017 there had been the seed of an idea – a Master-Masons-Only Dungeons & Dragons game. Early this December, we took our first step in that direction. Seven Brothers met at WB Chase’s home, drew up their characters, and took their own first steps into a quest for all time. Sessions are on Sunday afternoons, still at the Worshipful Master’s home, and the next meeting should be taking place on the first Sunday of January.
Friendship and Holiday Cheer
Who would have guessed brotherly love smelled so good?
On December 13th WB Leo put out a call to make Christmas Pomanders.
A Christmas Pomander is an orange decoratively stuck with cloves. They smell amazing (um, clove and orange oil, blended), and last for a few months. Several of the Brethren (and one’s wife and toddler) joined WB Leo and his husband in thier home to make these delightfully aromatic gifts.
Resting on a good note
2018 was a fabulous year for Friendship Lodge. We worked hard on our lodge, on ourselves, and on strengthening relationships. The wages of our labors are always found in the company of good friends and brothers; in thier constant charity and good will. If perchance we ever forget that – December should be a lasting reminder.
See you again in 2019!