Our summer labors have proven fruitful indeed.
At our stated meeting we were all updated about the condition of Ms. Rachel Reed, past Honored Queen of Bethel 1 and dear family friend of many Friendship Brothers. I was impressed that every hand shot up (even those of our visitors) when a call for action came out. We also went through in detail the activities of the charity committee and their plans for our next round of homeless kits, which are to be assembled this September and donated to Operation Nightwatch and the Hereford House. We’ll be discussing the plans for this event at the September Stated Meeting.
On the second Wednesday of this generously warm August we passed Brother Kevin Miller-Conley to the Degree of Fellowcraft; giving multiple Brothers their first stab at degree work – all of whom excelled. After such a busy summer (the first forays of the archive committee, initiating Bro. Ramirez, investigating Brothers Jaimes and Peterson – twice for Russ!) I thought we’d all earned a week off. But despite my attempt to give everyone a break on the fourth Wednesday, the brethren chose to use that time to organize another board game night. I still chose to stay home that night – I’ve been a bit sore and achy recently – but our stalwart Senior and Junior Wardens pulled off the pot-luck affair in fine style. I understand we had visitors from several area lodges and a couple fellows who are perchance ready to start their Masonic Journey. And as seems to be the custom of our gatherings, some deep philosophical conversation naturally sprung up. This time about the nature of “legalistic religions”, with the insightful aid of Brothers Reilly and Vederman.
It was quite fortunate that they took this initiative because in addition to providing a wholesome space for fellowship it also gave an opportunity for a fellow we’ve been seeing a bit of to make the decision to request a petition. We can look forward to reading Mr. Goosen’s petition in Lodge at the September Stated Meeting in addition to Brother Aaron Vederman’s petition to transfer membership, and (finally) balloting on Brother Russ Peterson’s petition for affiliation.
I don’t know why, but it seems the harder we work, the more work we’re given, and the more men who want to throw in with us. Indeed; Huzzah for friendship, and huzzah for Friendship Masonic Lodge.
Be well, Brethren. I look forward to your company again in September.