For the past few months, Friendship has hosted a number of game nights, allowing brethren from lodges in the area to come together and enjoy each other’s company, and our most recent event on the 10th of January was a special one. We were joined by a few curious individuals looking to get to know the brethren, and also most notably by Worshipful Brother Michael Benson during his visit from Arkansas.
Over pizza, soda, and libations, Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate was broken out at the request of a guest, Gustavo Ramirez. Working together, with only a handful of tangential conversations taking over the table, we explored the city, until it was discovered, by Gustavo, that a dragon was going to attack. Despite statistically improbable rolls on the dragon’s part (you had one job, Gustavo!), we were finally able to defeat it with the help of a magical crossbow and some more statistically improbable rolling.
It was a good night, and these events have spurred discussion of other nights devoted to board games, not necessarily under the scope of the Lodge. It is always worthwhile for brethren to spend time together, even when there is no labor to be performed. Indeed, sometimes, that can be the best reason to come together.