A Joint Installation of 2018 Officer’s was held at Kenton Masonic Temple on December 15th for Friendship Masonic Lodge No. 160 and Enlightenment Lodge #228. The event started off with a champagne toast for all present, after the Installation a dinner of quartered roast chicken, braised potatoes, fresh rolls and salad was prepared with fine food for all.The Installing Master was Most Worshipful Past Grand Master Rich Martin, the Installing Marshall was Friendship Past Master of Carson Bailey, and Worshipful Brother Jim Hofbauer was Chaplain. This was a tiled event and Walter Lee was installed as 2018 Master, Chris Chase as Senior Warden, Kent Smith as Junior Warden, Leo Schuman is now Treasurer, and Jim Loennig was installed as Secretary. During the ceremonies Leo Schuman was presented with his Past Master’s Apron from the Brother’s of Friendship. The women of Bethel #4 where present to assist in the preparations and share in the festivities.
It’s was a fine event and better night for all who attended. The Brothers and their guests assured a night of celebration, great conversation and fraternity followed the event.
Thank you for your kind words! Feel free to join in our conversations any time.