The annual installation of officers is the crowning ceremony in ordinary Masonic Lodge proceedings.
It presents us with an agreeable episode from which to commence the new Masonic year. It teaches the art of laying off the insignia and privilege of office without compulsion, and assuming them without arrogance. It restores for its entirety the equality between officers and members, thereby suggesting a democratic form of Masonic elections. When properly performed, there is nothing in Masonry more inspiring or instructive
The evening began with a casual reception in the dining hall. For the half-hour before we opened Lodge; members, their friends and families mingled and reinforced their bonds while enjoying some light refreshments. Brother Eric Pease once again thrilled us with his culinary might – building out a fabulous Italian winter buffet to help us warm up and fuel up for the night’s work.
Lodge was initially opened on the Entered Apprentice Degree, that our junior members might be able to offer up their own remarks and sentiments in this official space. But soon after opening, WB Chase took the Lodge to refreshment and reopened on the Master Mason Degree for the evening’s main course.
Three Past Masters of Friendship Lodge; Worshipful Brothers Schuman, Lee, and Mist lead the ceremonies as Installing Master, Marshall, and Chaplain (respectively). A well-coordinated team, these brothers managed to keep things moving steadily without anyone feeling hastened or delayed, though there were a a couple points on the agenda that came as news to the installing team.
Down to the wire & stepping up
After having been raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on October 23, Brother Gustavo Ramirez stunned us all with an exemplary proficiency examination last night.

At the December Stated Meeting we learned that Brother Ramirez would be moving to LA at the end of the month. Being very eager to complete his proficiency before departing, Bro. Ramirez took up additional study time with his mentor, WB Chase to try to achieve his goal before moving.
WB Chase called upon the Master-Elect to assume control of the East. And then stood face to face with Bro. Ramirez while examining him. When it was complete WB Chase shook Gustavo’s hand and smiled, as we all awaited the Master’s call, “Brethren, what say you?”
An impressive accomplishment, we were happy to pass him with flying colors, and in his first (semi)official act, WBE Smith declared Gustavo proficient in the Master Mason Degree. This will significantly ease his move into the Grand Jurisdiction of California.
Wages Paid
Being a Tyled meeting, WB Chris called for good of the order just before closing. From the West WBE Smith stood and shared his thanks with the installing team for their hard work, for Bro. Ramirez for his success, and to the Worshipful Master himself – in a fabulous way.
WBE Smith and a coterie of brothers from all ranks presented our soon-to-be Immediate Past Master with a very personal gift. A custom made animal fur capelet with a Past Masters jewel as its clasp. WB Chase is a rather big fan of Game Of Thrones, and has been compared to Jon Snow a few times, maybe? But our beloved brother’s nickname is Sasquatch, so no other mode of presentation could do, but to carry these gifts in on a hammered steel Sasquatch lawn silhouette.

After closing the meeting, we retired to the dining hall to help polish off supper’s leftovers as we celebrated our officers. Additional, more personal, gifts were presented. A great toast was given. Of course, we enjoyed a few refreshments and cigars during this social hour. But I can’t imagine anyone enjoying theirs more that Worshipful Brother Chris. Who can comfortably look back on a year of positive growth and development in Friendship.

See you again in 2020, Brethren!